We provide chemical products using organic synthetic technology, inorganic synthetic technology and biotechnology.

Our specialties are functional materials, dyestuffs and dyeing aids, organic acid and inorganic chemicals.
SHOWA KAKO CORPORATION » Contact Us » Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Showa Kako Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") considers that the safe and appropriate handling of your personal information is not only the basis of our business activities but also our social responsibility. We will comply with laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information, establish a personal information management system, and realize responsible response as a business operator. In addition, we have built a personal information protection management system to embody the following basic policies, and while constantly recognizing the latest IT technology trends, changes in social demands, changes in the business environment, etc., we will continue to improve them. We will work together to earn trust of our customers.


1. Basic policy

This basic policy shall be made known to all employees, and measures shall be taken at any time by disclosing it on the Company's official website.


1-1 Acquisition and use of personal information

We will acquire it after clarifying the purpose of use, and will use personal information only within the scope of the purpose. The purpose of use will be clearly stated on our official website, etc., and the responsibility of the person in charge of personal information protection at each facility / business establishment that handles personal information will establish and implement a confirmation procedure to prevent use that deviates from the purpose of use. increase.

Also, we will improve the management system within the corporation and take safety management measures so that personal information will not be used beyond the scope of the purpose of use.


1-2 Management and protection of personal information

Personal information will be managed strictly, and we will not disclose or provide data to third parties except with the consent of all of you or in accordance with laws, and regulations.

Also, we will establish. and implement safety management measures to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information. In addition, we will establish, and implement procedures to prevent the occurrence of problems, and in the unlikely event that a problem occurs, we will promptly make corrections to prevent recurrence.


1-3 Compliance with laws and norms

We will comply with applicable laws, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information held by us.


1-4 Responding to inquiries and complaints

We will respond promptly to inquiries and complaints regarding the personal information we hold by establishing a reception and response system and procedures.


"Certified personal information protection organization" and address for complaints

Our company is a target business operator of the following authorized personal information protection organizations. The name of the authorized personal information protection organization and the address for requesting resolution of complaints are as follows.


Certified personal information protection organization: Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Society

Contact for complaint resolution: Personal Information Protection Complaint Counseling Room

     Address: 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Roppongi First Building

     Phone number: +81 3-5860-7565,  0120-700-779(In Japan only)


1-5 Continuous improvement of personal information protection management system and mechanism

We will continuously improve the management system and mechanism regarding the protection of personal information. In the process of making improvements, we will revise this privacy policy as necessary and announce it by reflecting it in the content posted on our official website.


2. Definition of personal information


2-1 Definition of personal information

Personal information means any of the following.

(1) Information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by the name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, other description, etc. that make up the information (even if that information alone cannot identify it). Personal information includes information that can be easily collated with other information and, as a result, can identify a specific individual.)

(2) Those that include a personal identification code.


2-2 Other information to which this privacy policy applies

To respond to requests for activities that do not correspond to personal information and other special requests

Information, information stipulated by laws and ordinances, etc. will be handled appropriately based on this privacy policy.


3. Acquisition of personal information

We may obtain personal information from you in our activities. When we collect personal information from you, we will specify the purpose and scope of use of the information and collect personal information to the extent necessary.


4. How to get personal information

We will acquire personal information by the following methods when making contracts regarding our activities, use of facilities, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as contracts, etc.).


(1) Obtained directly from the person

Contact number, written-form, business card, verbal, online, etc.

(2) Obtained from a person who has been given or received legitimate authority from the person themself

User applicants, introducers, receptionists for packaged products, etc.


5. Types of personal information

Personal information acquired by the Company includes name, work place, home / work address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, date of birth, gender, as well as video information recorded on the security camera.


6. Purpose of use of personal information

The purpose of using our personal information is as follows. It will not be used beyond the purpose stated.

Additionally, should ammendments be made to the purpose of use, it shall not exceed the extent to which it is reasonably considered to have a reasonable relationship with the purpose of use prior to ammendments, and the privacy policy shall be promptly changed and published on the company's official website.


Type of Personal Information

Purpose of use

Personal information acquired or acquired with our contract.

 For fulfillment of the rights and obligations under contracts

Security camera images in our facility

To ensure your safety and protect your property

Personal information about everyone who contacted us

For confirmation of and response to the content of the relevant enquiry.

Personal information about those who entering the recruitment selection processing for our company and those who wish to provide information regarding our recruitment.

For the procedure of recruitment selection of the person

Personal information obtained from our executive, employees, contractors, contract employees, part-timers, advisors, dispatched employees (hereinafter collectively referred to as "employees")

For our personnel and labor management, business management, health management, information management, security management


7. Provision and shared use of personal information to third parties

7-1 We will not provide or disclose your personal information to a third party without your consent, except in the following cases. Also, when providing or disclosing to a third party, we will consider the selection of the provider and request the third party to perform appropriate management in accordance with laws and regulations as in the case of our company.

(1) When prior consent is obtained from the person.

(2) When required by law.

(3) When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

(4) When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

(5) When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and the affairs are carried out with the consent of the person. When there is a risk of interfering with


7-2 We may share all or part of the personal information we have received as follows.

(1)  Common users

Showa Group

* Showa Group is comprised of the six following companies; Showa Enterprise Co., Ltd., Showa Kako Co., Ltd., Kyushu Kako Co., Ltd., Satsuma Kako Co., Ltd., and Murakami Kyushoku Co.Ltd., and Wine Making Shop Aizu.

(2)  Items of shared personal data

Your name, address, phone number, gender, date of birth, age, occupation, email address

(3)  Purpose of shared use

Same as this privacy policy "6. Purpose of Use of Personal Information"

(4)  Person in charge of managing personal information for shared use

Showa Kako Co., Ltd.


8. Acquisition, use and provision of sensitive personal information to third parties

 We will not acquire, use or provide personal information including the following types of content to third parties. However, this does not apply if there is the consent of the person or if the exceptions stipulated by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information apply.

Special consideration should be given to the handling of the person so as not to cause unfair discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantages to the person, such as the person's race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal history, facts of being harmed by the crime, etc. Personal information including descriptions specified by Cabinet Order.


9. Handling of personal information and security management

9-1 Retention of accurate personal information

We will take appropriate measures to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date.


9-2 Compliance with relevant laws and guidelines

We will comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and other related laws and industry guidelines.


9-3 Safety management measures

We will strictly manage your personal information and strive for preventive measures and safety measures against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc.


9-4 Organizational structure

In our company, the personal information protection management formulates a personal information protection system, and we will improve the organizational structure to comply with the protection of personal information.


9-5 Regulations on the handling and management of personal information

We have established the "Personal Information Handling Regulations," and "Personal Information Safety Management Regulations" regarding the handling of personal information in order to strictly operate the standards for acquisition, retention, use, and disposal of appropriate personal information. We have established a code of conduct and specific rules to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of information. Also, we will continuously review and improve the rules so that effective and proper operation can be sustained.


9-6 In-house education

We strive to protect personal information by providing education and training on the protection of personal information to all employees and disseminating the contents.


10. Disclosure / correction / disposal of personal information

If the person or his / her agent requests disclosure, correction, disposal, etc. of the personal information that we keep, we will respond in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

Also, we will respond to cases where you wish to disclose, correct, or dispose of your personal information regarding the personal information we keep, "Showa Kako Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Desk". We will respond in good faith in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. In that case, we will take appropriate measures such as providing information useful for identifying your personal data.


11 . Personal Information Inquiry Contact

Inquiries regarding the Company's personal information, as well as requests for disclosure, correction, or disposal, are accepted at the Personal Information Consultation Desk below. Please note that it may take several days to respond depending on the case, requests for Disclosure, etc.:


Personal Information Protection Manager,

Administration Department,

Eri Nishimoto,

18-23 Yoshino-cho, Suita-shi,

Osaka 564-0054, Japan 

TEL: 81-6-6384-1501  FAX: 81-6-6384-2287



  • Method of requesting disclosure, etc.

Please download the "Disclosure Invoice Form" and send it as an e-mail attachment or by mail. Please note that after the request for disclosure, etc. arrives, we may check your identity by collating it with your record and confirming your identity by e-mail, telephone, etc.


  • Proof of representative: When requesting from a proxy, please attach the following documents.


*Certificates of proxy: A copy of documents with a photo such as a driver's license, passport, number card, etc. (If an individual number or registered domicile, please delete the information out with a black pen.) Please note that it may take 10 days.

* Fee: A fee of 1000 yen will be charged for notification / disclosure of the purpose of use. We will charge you while delivering the report.


Showa Kako Corporation

Management Department


18-23 Yoshino-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka

TEL: 81-6-6384-1502 

* Telephone reception hours: 9:00~17:00 / Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and company holidays


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