We provide chemical products using organic synthetic technology, inorganic synthetic technology and biotechnology.

Our specialties are functional materials, dyestuffs and dyeing aids, organic acid and inorganic chemicals.


CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility)

CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility)means not only to fulfill compliance and the responsibility of a profits contribution but also met the potential demand of customers and society around, contribute to society by using the environment in a better way and actively provide the freedom of information.


CSR Procurement Policy

We emphasize SHE (Safety, Health, and Environment) and ethical behavior.
We carry on a business declaring following policy,
Also in order to tackle the promotion of this CSR in procurement, we ask our suppliers their cooperation.

1. We will comply with the laws and regulations related to the environment to reduce the load on the environment.
- Regulatory Compliance
- Reducing the consumption of resources
- Reduction of waste

2. We protect employees’ safety and health.
- Illness prevention of the employee by the appropriate working environment maintenance
- Appropriate response and preparedness for Emergency
- Health management of employees

3. Thoroughness of corporate activities in accordance with the code of ethics
- Respect for the individual's personality
- Free and fair action
- Exclusion of the public and private confusion
- Protection of company property
- Compliance with workers' rights

Introduction of Showa Kako Group's Advisors and Consultants   

Showa Kako (Group) contracts third parties/ external advisors for the purposes of legal compliance, crisis management, maintaining and improving internal public institutions as and when necessary.

Additionally, we have been conducting split-level focus study sessions yearly since 2016 (H28).


Advisors and Consultants:

•Labor and Social Security Attorney 

  Sakai Sachiko Sharoushi Attorney Office  www.sialcsakai.com

• Accountant 

  AGS Consulting Co., Ltd.    https://www.agsc.co.jp

• Law Attorney

    Umegae     www.umegae.gr.jp

• Judicial scrivener  

  Yoshioka Kazuya Shihoushoshi office



Mineral Procurement and Use

The raw material for inorganic tin, a product manufactured by Showa Kako, is

RMI Certified (www.responsiblemineralsinitiative.org).

It is procured and used from a mineral extraction company that has obtained the certification.


Academic and Industrial Collaboration with Baika Women’s University

With concerns about excess quantities of milk during the COVID-19 pandemic, students at Baika Women’s University were asked to provide their own ideas for original recipes using milk. Those ideas were realized as a food project, and the students completed recipes that were also suitable for elderly people who want to have a large protein intake.
Baika Women’s University posted details about these activities on their homepage (in Japanese).


Compatibility support open space

Compatibility support open space( https://ryouritsu.mhlw.go.jp/hiroba/) has been updated since 2017.

Click https to enter the description, click here to search for a company's action plan / initiatives, and enter and search for Showa Kako in the company name and our action plan will appear

Please take a look at our efforts

Japan International Education Support Association (JEES)

Since 2016, we have established the “Showa Kako Scholarship” as a crown scholarship by donating to the Japan International Education Support Association (JEES). In addition, we have a scholarship repayment support policy (limited to the Japan Student Services Organization) within the company, and during the period from the month after the month of joining to the month of retirement, half of the repayment amount is paid monthly as a scholarship allowance. Doing. For details, contact our administration section.

 Companies promoting women’s participation

Enacted action plan to promote active participation of women. Also our this action is listed a database in an activity promotion company of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Action plan.

Health Declaration

We made a Health Declaration. We will work not only on effort to work style reform, but also on health and enjoy work and leisure time. Please refer to the proof of Health Declaration.

The action plan "for work and child care coexistence"

Employees has developed an action plan to create a friendly environment for both work and childcare. In the activity plan there is "Children Visiting Day", basis aim is to create the envirornment in which employee having the family can also work better by balancing family and work. Moreover this policy is also specified in the site of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.Please refer http://ryouritsu.mhlw.go.jp/hiroba/


Environmental rating certificate

Our group company Kyushu Kako was accredited Miyagin Environmental rating

excellent of “S “ certification in January 2013.

Our group company Satuma Kako also was accredited same certification in February, 2013.

This is one of proof for efforts of co-existence and co-prosperity with the environment from business citric acid and Shochu waste liquid business. We will continue to make efforts for co-existence and co-prosperity with the environment.


Voluntary Fire Drill and Evacuation Drill 

Every year, Fire Drill is performed in June and Evacuation Drill is performed in December.

Participates as an observer once every three years, a training is provided  so that more efficient self-reliance fire fighting can be done. And we are always ready for the unexpected and trouble to neighboring residents can be suppressed infinite to the minimum.


Health and Productivity Management Corporation Certified

March 8th 2023(R5),

Our company has been certified as the health and productivity management corporation,for medium and small corporation division since 2021.

The Health and Productivity Management Corporation Certification System is for awards corporations such as large, medium and small enterprises that practice particularly good health and productivity management based on initiatives in accordance with local health issues and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Japan Health Council.

We will continued to improve from what we can do.


Received the 『Rewarding to Work Company" Great Award』

This time, our company is sponsored by the Osaka Prefectural Management Rationalization Association.

We received the special award (business transformation award) of 『The 4th "A Rewarding to Work Company" Great Award that we want to teach students』

We will continue to contribute to society as a “rewarding to work company” and work hard to be a company that continues to evolve in line with the times.


Continued certification as 『White Corporate Certification』

We continue to be certified as a White Corporate Certification Gold Rank company.
Our company was been recognized by the Japan Next Generation Enterprise Promotion Organization (White Foundation) as White Enterprise Certification Gold Rank in FY 2023.(Certification)



Employment and Working Environment Report

Monthly Report May, 2024

Monthly Report April, 2024

Monthly Report March, 2024

Monthly Report February, 2024

Monthly Report January, 2024

Monthly Report December, 2023

Monthly Report November, 2023

Monthy Report October, 2023

Monthly Report September, 2023

Monthly Report August, 2023

Monthly Report July, 2023

Monthly Report June, 2023

Monthly Report May, 2023

Monthly Report April, 2023

Monthly Report March, 2023

Monthly Report February, 2023

Monthly Report January, 2023

Monthly Report December, 2022

Monthly Report November, 2022

Monthly Report October, 2022

Monthly Report September,  2022

Monthly Report  August, 2022

Monthly Report July, 2022

Monthly Report June, 2022

Monthly Report May, 2022

Monthly Report April, 2022

Monthly Report March, 2022

Monthly Report  February, 2022

Monthly Report  January, 2022

Monthly Report  December, 2021

Monthly Report  November, 2021

Monthly Report October, 2021

Monthly Report  September,  2021

Monthly Report August, 2021

Monthly Report July, 2021

Monthly Report June, 2021

Monthly Report May, 2021

Monthly Report April, 2021

Monthly Report  Mar,2021

Monthly Report Feb,2021

Monthly Report Jan,2021

Monthly Report December, 2020

Monthly Report  November, 2020

Monthly Report  October, 2020

Monthly Report September, 2020

Monthly Report August, 2020

Monthly Report July, 2020

Monthly Report June, 2020

Monthly Report May, 2020

Monthly Report  Apr, 2020

Monthly Report Mar, 2020

Monthly Report Feb, 2020

Monthly Report Jan, 2020

Monthly Report  Dec, 2019

Monthly Report Nov, 2019

Monthly Report Oct, 2019

Monthly Report Sep, 2019

Monthly Report Aug, 2019

Monthly Report July, 2019

Monthly Report June, 2019

Monthly Report May, 2019

Monthly Report Apr, 2019

Monthly Report  Mar, 2019

Monthly Report  Feb, 2019

Monthly Report Jan, 2019

Monthly Report  Dec, 2018

Monthly Report  Nov, 2018

Monthly Report  Oct, 2018

Monthly Report  Sep, 2018

Monthly Report  Aug, 2018

Monthly Report  Jul, 2018

Monthly Report Jun, 2018

Monthly Report May, 2018

Monthly Report  Apr, 2018

Monthly Report  Mar, 2018

Monthly Report  Feb, 2018

Monthly Report  Jan, 2018

Monthly Report Dec, 2017

Monthly Report  Nov, 2017

Monthly Report Oct, 2017

Monthly Report Sep, 2017

Monthly Report Aug, 2017

Monthly Report  Jul, 2017

Monthly Report  Jun, 2017

Monthly Report  May, 2017

Showa Kako's SDGs

The SDGs, which were passed by the UN General Assembly in 2015, are required not only by countries and developing countries but also by developed countries to be tackled by private companies (instead of volunteers and donations, companies are The following is the status of our company's efforts: a business model in which earning profits also leads to improvements in society and the global environment).

April 22, 2020【1st Update】

With   "For dairy products high in nutritional value!" as our motto, our group has established Samurai Dairy Products   Pvt in India with Ikaruga Dairy Industry's technology as a base. We have   acquired Global Gap, FSSC22000, and FSSAI, all started in India, and are   managing operations in dairy farms and dairy sterilization factories. In   order to decrease the number of malnourished children even just a little bit,  we continuing to deliver high quality dairy products to the market.

For  the desire to learn! Since 2010, regardless whether or not the operations are necessary, we have increased the acquisition cost of every last qualification (there are currently over 90   kinds) from half the sum to the whole sum. Moreover, after acquisition, we   provided the payment of the qualifications, and are continuing the   development of continuous learning. Also, through a donation to the JEES in  2016, we established the Crown Scholarship (a Showa manufacturing  scholarship), and have been working hard on high quality and fair education   being accepted even outside our company.

For the drive for active participation for women!   Within our company, together with the compatibility and assistance of the   work and households of the employees, active roles of women have been advancing. In 2017, at the Compatibility Assistance Plaza (the   Ministry of Health), we announced our universal main business plan, and in 2019, we announced the women's active participation plan. Due to our male staff going on childcare leave, we received birthtime compatibility assistance in 2019, and currently on April 1st, 2020, the percentage of female workers   is 27.8%.

Free use of technology! Our group has made free use of selected technology from the time we were founded and made new products from waste, and are sharing them with the market. Also, alongside manufacturers, we have acquired industry waste disposal approval, and we are working on waste problems within our company as well as regionally.

Cross  the fence! Our company has been aiming to expand, and has been growing alongside the region for quite some time. And now since 2019, we have been working hard together with GAMBA OSAKA as well as the youth on furthering the regional stimulation and beautification.